Quote: You know girls are good with sewing and cooking while men are better a fighting and thing like that.
Sokka and his sister
Katara lost their mother to the Fire Nation during an attack. Then their father went off to the war to fight, leaving
Katara and Sokka to look after the tribe until he returned.
Sokka is now the only male living in the village while the other men are at war. Sokka had wanted to go with
his father, but he was too young at the time. It's probably the lack of male attention around that made Sokka the way he is:
stubborn, loud, and with the idea that all girls can ever do is cook, clean, and sew... which is odd since he has such a strong
and brave sister.
At the beginning of the show, Sokka saw Katara's water bending gift as something weird, mostly because she was the only water bender in all of the Southern tribe. Meeting
Aang for the first time, he didn't trust him either.
Deep down Sokka is really sensitive but seeing it as unmanly he keeps it shut away until the moment becomes
over-emotional and his mask breaks... mostly it's when his sister is the topic of the matter. Once when Aang was learning some fire bending he burned Katara by mistake and Sokka, enraged, yelled at Aang.
Sokka also has a love interest in the series... the Princess of the Northern Water tribe named Yue who was saved as a baby by the moon spirit. Sadly, it wasn't to be when Commander Zhao of the Fire Nation killed the moon spirit throwing everything into chaos.
The selfless princess gave back the life the spirit gave her; in turn becoming the moon spirit herself...
but not before giving Sokka a kiss good-bye. As the series moves on, Sokka becomes more open little by little, and learns
to stop thinking of women as weaker and below men.