Okkoto is the god of boars. He was rumored to have died 100 years ago, but he actually lived, and is 500 years old as
of the story. Okkoto and his tribe live in a faraway land, where they kill humans to protect their forests. However, hearing
that the great Shishigami's (The Forest Spirit) forests are being plundered by humans, they come to Irontown, after months
of travelling, and vow to destroy the humans, even when Moro tells them to go back.
Okkoto is blind, possibly from
his old age. He is also very observant, noticing that the boars grow more stupid and small as the generations pass. This is
evident: Okkoto is much larger than Moro herself, while his warriors are merely the size of large cows. Okkoto is thus determined
to destroy as many humans as possible, before boars eventually become hunted for meat. He is very rash, possibly an inherited
trait of all boars. They attack head on, despite any disadvantages, and do not engage in any strategizing.
was badly wounded by a battle with the humans. He followed San to the Pool of the Shishigami and but on the way there, humans
wearing the skins of his warriors dead from battle, trick Okkoto and eventually turns him in to a demon like Nago. Once at
the Pool of the Forest Spirit, the forest spirit took his, and Moro's life away.